BODY ORGANS Spleen liver pancreas chest bone thymus SPINAL ADJUSTMENT thoracic 4-9 |
Bruises result from a lack of vitamin K, bad circulation and the excessive use of hydrocortisone. To correct the vitamin deficiency, include the following in your diet:
Pumpkin seeds. They are rich in vitamin K and zinc and also function as a laxative. Eat 100-200g a day for at least 6 months.
Watercress. It is rich in vitamin K (anti-coagulant). Ensure that you clean the roots thoroughly and that no fungus remains.
Seaweed. It is an antioxidant, rich in minerals and chlorophyll.
Watercress, cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower. These cruciferous plants are antioxidant and rich in zinc and sulphur.