a headache can originate in any of the 12 body organs
entire cervical area
A headache is more a symptom than a disease, so do not suppress it. Instead, attempt to identify the cause. The main reason is usually insufficient elimination; when the liver is overworked, for instance, and cannot properly detoxify the system, a headache is one of the likely consequences. Headaches can also be symptomatic of nephritis, acitis, gastritis, hepatitis, iritis, meningitis or a tumour. The best prevention always is to care for yourself with love, rather than abuse your body as if it were a machine that requires no preventative maintenance or careful handling. When you have a headache, talk to your head. Ask it what it is attempting to tell you. Try to understand the signs, and listen carefully with your mind and your intuition.
If you require instant relief, use white willow bark tea instead of a headache pill. It contains salicylic acid, one of the ingredients in paracetamol, but here it is not synthetic or extracted.
If the headache is not a migraine, the following drink will help.
Mix equal amounts of the following juices to make 500ml:
raw beetroot
cos lettuce
Add a pinch of salt and cumin powder and the juice of ½ lemon. Sip slowly, undiluted.