Ginger Compress

In a large pot, boil 8 litres of water with 500g of freshly grated ginger in a muslin bag. Ensure that the bag is well sealed. Insert two handtowels into the water. Use them alternately, leaving one in the water while applying the other to the affected area. When it cools, change the towels over so there is a constant fomentation with the ginger water. Replace the water that is lost through evaporation each day to ensure that the mixture does not become too strong. Use it for 14 days, then change the water and the bag.

A ginger compress is useful to deal with headaches, toothaches and faceache. Apply the compress to the forehead. The pain will usually disappear a short time thereafter. When the headache is really intense, make a paste from dried or fresh ginger and apply it to the forehead. The pain will usually disappear within 15 minutes.

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Kidney Stones


bulletlumbar 2-3-4


bulletlower backache

bulletstrong smelling urine, from proteins and other deposits



bulletspasm in the lower back

bulletchange in perspiration

bulletacute pains in the lower back and kidney area

bulletbrittle hair and nails


bulletdesire for salt


Food enters the bloodstream through hepatic veins and the villi in the small intestines. The blood is filtered in the liver before circulating through the lungs, where the blood is infused with oxygen before moving on to the heart. The blood then leaves the heart via the aorta to the kidneys where it is purified. The liver filters out toxins of food, alcohol and bacteria, and stores glycogen to convert into glucose when needed. The kidneys ensure hormonal balance (sexual hormones), maintain electrolyte balance (mineral balance), and control the blood sugar via the adrenal glands.

Kidney stones form when the kidneys fail to filter properly or as a result of nephritis.


Take 60g of fresh vine leaves and make tea from them. Drink 3 cups daily. This should dissolve the stones. It can be a most painful experience when the stones emerge. To release the tension, hold a ginger compress around the painful area, which is right and left of the spine at lumbar 1 and thoracic 12.

If vine leaves are not available, make 6 litres of watermelon juice. (Use the entire watermelon, including the green parts, but not the skin or the seeds.) Boil down to 3 litres and drink all of it in 1 day.

Have a cold sitz bath before going to bed.

On rising, take the juice of 1 lemon in a cup of hot water.


Boil 1 tablespoon dandelion (from the herbalist) in 500ml of water until 125ml is left. Combine equal amounts of the following juices to make 375ml:






Mix the juice with the reduced dandelion water and the juice of a lemon. Drink 1½ litres a day.

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vine leaves