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If you want instant access to this complete section of remedial information, we encourage you to buy Dr. Shyam Singha's book. It will be a valuable and life-long addition to your home library. All the proceeds will go to a charity for alternative medicine and therapy to bring greater help to people in medical and phychological distress.

The Biological System
Psychology of Digestion
Juice fast
Three-day fast & cleanse
Grape diet
Grape & fruit diet
Low-fat diet
Non-vegetarian cleansing diet for non-allergic people
Drastic slimming plan for rich people
Seven-day spring-cleaning diet

The Circulatory/Lymphatic System
Blood-purifying diet

The Digestive System
Banana diet for candida
Elimination diet 1
Elimination diet 2
'Dry' Elimination diet
Seven-day elimination diet
Diet for gall bladder & gallstones
Diet for duodenal/gastric ulcers & chronic intestinal inflammation
Diet for intestinal ulcers

The Endocrine System
Diet for hyperthyroidism

The Functional System
Eye improvement diet

The Immune System
Gluten Free Diet

The Metabolic System
Alkaline diet for arthritis & degenerative diseases
Pineapple diet for arthritis & gout
Diet for rheumatoid spondylitis
Treatment for traumatic arthritis (osteoarthritis)
Eating advice for the overweight
Low-fat/high-protein sports diet
Dietary advice for hyperglycaemia/high blood sugar (diabetes)

The Neurological System
Blood-pressure-balancing diet
Diet for brain fatigue & the central nervous system

The Respiratory System
Diet for asthma
Anticatarrhal diet
Dietary treatment of psoriasis & allied skin complaints

ayurveda mixing bowl health symbol
